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Relevant publications by lead beneficiary Prof. Dr. Karen Yvette van Oudenhoven-van der Zee:

Van der Zee, K.I. (2008). Moving away from colour-blindness: Determinants of effective diversity management in organisations. International Journal of Diversity in Organizations, Communities and Nations, 7, 327-334.

Van der Zee, K.I. (2009). De kleurrijke Ambtenaar: Feit of fictie. In: Ambtenaar van de Toekomst. Den Haag: ministerie van BZK.

Hofhuis, J., Van der Zee, K.I., & Otten, S. (in press). Social identity patterns in culturally diverse organizations: the role of diversity climate. Journal of Applied Social Psychology.

Luijters, K., Otten, S., Zee, K.I.van der & van Duin, J. (2009). Employees' Work Experience and the Importance of Diversity Management. Paper submitted for publication

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